What happens at the Referring Hospital?

When we arrive we will introduce ourselves to you and to the staff who are looking after your baby. Following a full handover we will concentrate on assessing, stabilising and preparing your baby for transfer. The whole process can take some time so please don’t be alarmed if this is the case. It is important your baby is safe for transfer. Once ready, we will ask you for your contact details and give you contact details and directions to the receiving hospital.

If you are unable to travel in the ambulance, please do not attempt to follow it. Please make sure you travel at a safe and steady speed.


What happens En Route? (NNTP Specialist Equipment and Vehicles)

Your baby will be transported in a specialised transport incubator which is equipped with all the modern technology required to provide for your babies needs. The equipment being used will depend on your baby’s condition and the NNTP staff will be happy to inform you what is being used. This may include monitoring equipment, infusion pumps and a ventilator (breathing machine).

The team travels in ambulances which have been designed specifically to provide all the necessary facilities for specialist care while on the move. Occasionally, the NNTP will travel in an IAC aircraft which have also been specially adapted and equipped for the needs of our vulnerable population (for example overseas transports, bad road conditions or where there is an urgent transport over a long distance).


What happens at the Receiving Hospital?

When we get to the receiving hospital we will explain to the medical and nursing team there what has happened both before and during the transfer. We will then move your baby to their new cot/incubator. If you are not present we will ring you to let you know that your child has arrived safely and update you on their condition. Each hospital is different and has slightly different facilities and policies such as visiting and staying with your child. The staff will be happy to discuss this with you when you are at the destination hospital.




Can parents travel in the ambulance with their infant?

There may be the opportunity, if the infant’s condition allows, for one parent to travel in the ambulance. We try to keep parents with their baby but it may not always be possible due to space or safety issues. This will be assessed by the team at the time. Unfortunately it is not possible for mothers still receiving postnatal care to travel with their baby.

It should be noted that travelling in the back of an ambulance can be uncomfortable, especially for those who suffer with motion sickness. The use of blue lights and sirens can further exacerbate motion sickness. There may be other factors that limit our ability to offer you transport with your baby and the team reserves the right to refuse this offer if they feel it may in any way compromise their ability to transfer your baby safely.

If it is possible for you to travel, and you decide to take the opportunity, it is important that you only bring one small piece of luggage due to limited storage in the ambulance.

Not all parents wish to travel with their baby and that is not a problem. This may be a good opportunity to make arrangements for other children or to pick up any belongings you may need.


Parents  >  What happens On Transport?